
Twinkie the Kid rides off into the sunset

Noooooo! Not my twinkies! Say it isn’t so! How can this be? My monthly allowance for cupcakes and twinkies alone should be able to financially prop up any major corporation! But alas, Hostess Brands, Inc. has fallen over $860 million in debt and now, thanks in part to...
The return of Customer Service?

The return of Customer Service?

Did you feel it this Christmas season? Love was in the air. I’m not talking about the warm fuzzy feeling you get during the holidays, I’m talking about customer service. Did you notice it? It seems everywhere I went, employees were all over me. “Can I help you?” “Did...
Speak desk, and tell me your secrets…..

Speak desk, and tell me your secrets…..

What does your desk say about you?  Are you organized? Are you dependable? Perhaps you are a bit neurotic? Your desk doesn’t hold back its secrets. Anyone that sees your workplace will make some immediate opinions as to your personality. Is you desk buried in...
Death of a Paperboy.

Death of a Paperboy.

It’s early on a cold winter morning. The sun still not risen. You peddle your bike hard against the wind. The bags on your handle-bars, heavy with newspapers make steering difficult. You avoid the Mastersons’ dogs as you carefully make the first turn onto your route....


So, Detroit has joined an elite group of municipalities by filing a Chapter 9 bankruptcy. And not just any bankruptcy, but, the largest bankruptcy filing in our nations history. Up until November 2012, Orange County, California held the title for the largest...

Truth in advertising….?

George C. Parker once said ”and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you..” Advertising policies seems to be: If you are naïve enough to believe them, than it’s really you own fault. And we are naïve bunch aren’t we? We assume that because we saw an ad on t.v....