
Where is my stimulus !?

In a closed meeting in Detroit recently, the Feds pledged to give poor old bankrupt Detroit $300 million !! But do not think for a minute that this is another bailout. Oh no, think of this as more of a “stimulus” payment. However, I cannot for the moment think what...

We are closed. Come back later.

Well, it has happened. The government has decided to temporarily “shut-down” due to the lack of a new budget. And with the continuing arguments about funding and Obamacare, this shutdown, or perhaps we can call it a “show-down” stands poised to be around for some...

Protecting your castle.

Time and time again, when discussing bankruptcy, I am asked if they can protect their house when they file. This is an extremely important issue to those with homes that are contemplating filing for bankruptcy protection. So lets start with the wording of the...

The incredible vanishing income!

I admit, the title may be a little misleading at first, but if you follow me, it will eventually make sense. Once upon a time……..our Federal Government had a plan. Revamp the bankruptcy code. Or…fix something that was not broken.  Spear-headed by Citibank, the goal...

Statute of Limitations? What does that mean to me?

Statute of Limitation laws are complex and very confusing.  The idea is that there is a limit of time after an “event” to take legal action. For example, in California,  if I drive my car through your living room, you have 3 years to sue me.  However, if I...


Well, another year has passed and we now look forward toward 2014! So time to break open the champagne, hold your loved ones close and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. So what about ‘Auld Lang Syne”?  Most of us can hum the song and of course sing the closing line “Auld Lang...