Often, when someone is considering bankruptcy, the first thing they are concerned with is their car. When the car is encumbered by a loan, there are a lot of questions regarding what happens to the loan when a bankruptcy is filed. Can you keep your car? Does the...
You’ve been falling behind on your bills for a while when the worst happens. A creditor sues you. With an inability to pay the debt, and limited options to combat the suit in civil court, you may find yourself with a judgment entered against you. When a creditor sues...
So you just filed bankruptcy and are awaiting that glorious moment when your debt discharges. Of course you want to keep the car that you are financing through your Credit Union. And why not? It’s a hot car. A 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee with low miles, and a low balance...
Rising minimum payments. Harassing collection agencies. The looming threat of lawsuits. Struggling with unmanageable debt is a scary position to be in. For people in these situations, bankruptcy is often the best long-term solution to get back on track, but...
You’re behind on your rent. With the recent upheaval stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers are falling further and further behind on their monthly obligations. While the state of California has a temporary moratorium on eviction, the back rent owed...