Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA

Get Help from a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA

What are the attributes you insist on when hiring a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA? If experience is vital to you, you’ll be happy to know that you’ve located one of Southern California’s most experienced bankruptcy law companies. Read on for information on how we can help you and then contact Winterbotham Parham Teeple, a PC at 800.400.9000 for a consultation.

Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Going to Be the Best Option for You?

Chapter 7 is designed for debtors in financial difficulty who do not have the ability to pay their existing debts. Debtors whose debts are primarily consumer debts are subject to a “means test” designed to determine whether the case should be permitted to proceed under Chapter 7.

Creditors have the right to submit a petition asking the court to dismiss your case if your income is higher than the median income for the state in which you live and the size of your family. The judge will then decide whether or not to dismiss your bankruptcy. In most cases, unsecured debts (like credit card debt) can be discharged un a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.

Is Chapter 13 the Right Answer for Your Situation?

The other main option that a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA might recommend is Chapter 13. This choice is occasionally referred to as a bankruptcy for debt modification. Instead of having debt forgiven, you repay it through a trustee-supervised payment plan.

We might advise filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you owe taxes or student loans that do not meet the criteria for discharge, or if the goal is to bring current child or spousal support payments. It may also be a good option if you have a strong desire and ability to pay all or a portion of your debts

We Are Proud of the Many Ways Our Clients Benefit When They Choose Us for a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA

Choosing Winterbotham Parham Teeple, a PC as your Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA, means selecting a company that provides a host of advantages. First and foremost, you will appreciate our experience.

Since we were established in 1978, we have assisted more than 150,000 clients. You can count on us to offer full-service attention without the sky-high fees you might expect to pay. With us, you receive incredibly affordable prices along with top-notch service and satisfaction.

We Offer Exceptional Help in Several Counties

To secure the best rights, remedies, and benefits available, our crew of senior paralegals, seasoned attorneys, and staff members work for you. We are knowledgeable about the law as it stands and know how to choose the most effective debt relief strategies that will be accepted by courts and your creditors. We can assist residents of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino counties. Call Winterbotham Parham Teeple, a PC at 800.400.9000 to speak to a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Apple Valley CA.